Our Story
Who we are :
Rhonda and Jim
Rhonda and Jim Beyreis stepped out and answered the call. We are going to live out of the city, off the grid, and create a safe space. While Jim worked in the United States, Rhonda traveled around the world doing mission work looking for the place we were to set up for the Lord. We knew we were called but had no idea where we were to be. Looking steady in our efforts God brought us right where we are in N.E. Arizona to a property that He God told Rhonda very audibly as they drove with the realtor onto the property “This is the land I saved for you”. We looked more intensely and it had every criterion we were looking for. God is faithful He has provided thus far. In 2010, the 680 acres “Enoch Ranch” was purchased fast forward to 2020 “The Ark of Sustainability” was created, where the first event was hosted in 2021.

Why we do this :
1994 basic skills taught in school Home Economics (sewing, cooking, house care) Wood Working, Auto Mechanics, Shop Class were also eliminated. With the digital age taking over, we had a crisis on our hands if the grid ever went down.
1999 we realized we were to live a very different life, through the years we had committed our lives to creating a safe place for training basic survival skills to those who would come.